Server-Side Tagging helped Sonarworks to report 20% more transactions in GA4

Discover how Sonarworks recorded 20% more transactions by using server-side tagging.



Sonarworks is a leading audio technology company that offers precise sound calibration software, ensuring consistent, studio-quality audio across all devices and environments. Trusted by professionals worldwide, it enhances the accuracy of sound reproduction.

Increase in Transactions count
Increase in trial activations count


Their digital marketing efforts, particularly on Google Ads and Meta Ads, were not performing at their full potential due to limitations in client-side tracking. Key issues included:

  • Inaccurate Conversion Tracking: Tracking prevention systems such as ITP, browser-based privacy features, and ad blockers led to unreliable conversion data.
  • Inconsistent Data Reporting: Variability in data reporting caused difficulties in accurate budget allocation, leading to inefficient use of marketing spend.
  • Backend Integration Issues: The lack of a robust backend integration between Stripe, GA4, Google Ads, and Meta hindered effective tracking and reporting.
  • Heavy Client-Side Tagging: Extensive client-side tags through GTM slowed down website load times, negatively affecting user experience and conversion rates.

Our Approach

To address these challenges, we proposed a comprehensive server-side tagging setup. The setup included:

  • Auditing the existing GA4 setup and resolving fundamental issues
  • Providing guidance to developers for hosting Server-Side GTM on AWS
  • Migrating GTM and GA4 dataLayers on Shopify to custom pixels
  • Setting up tagging through Server-Side GTM
  • Configuring the Stripe checkout webhook for Server-Side GTM

Performance Results

We run GA4 client-side and server-side simultaneously for 1 month period to test the outcome of the implementation. The results are:

  • Transactions conversions are increased by 19.66%
  • Trial activations conversions increased by 7.33%
  • Total user number increased by 14.09%

Source: GA4 client-side and GA4 server-side transactions data blended in LookerStudio

Pēteris Asbahs

I appreciate that they know more than I do. We started to work with Holini on time when our market faced a recession. Nevertheless, they still managed to lower our customer acquisition costs, get more leads, and help to keep our revenue flat which is amazing from their side with all those market problems we had in the industry.

Pēteris Asbahs
Digital Marketing Lead at Sonarworks

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